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Hemisphere West International
Currency Handling Experts Over 25 Years of Service
PC Interface Products
Our PC Interface devices allow the developer to interface currency validation/handling products that don't offer a standard PC interface. We also offer a simple USB device hub that integrates all of your currency devices thru th hub and provides a single USB input to your PC controller

IPC-1 MDB-USB PC Interface
IPC-1, Provides a means of interfacing your NAMA 4.0 MDB device (coin changer, bill recycler, bill validator) to a PC Controller. The IPC-1 can also be used with devices with ccTalk, MEI EDBS, Pulse, Parallel and other outputs, providing the avenue to communicate with your PC Controller.
+USB 2.0 full speed connectivity.
+Industrial standard chipsetPC
+OS supported : Windows 98, Me, 2K, XP, Vista, 7, 8 Linux, Mac OS 8, 9, OSX
+SDKs and Driver support for software developers.
+Easy to use K1 Protocol

IPC-3 Pulse-USB Interface
IPC-3, Parallel/Pulse-USB Interface for Coin Hoppers. Provides for up to 4 Coin Hopper Inputs, with one USB output to your PC Controller.
Supports most coin hoppers and pulse output devices
All Cables and Harnesses Included
SDK and Test Software Available
CCT900/910 USB Device Hub for Currency Input/Output Devices

CCT900/910 USB Device Hub: Allows the developer to interface various input devices into the hub allowing for one, USB output to the PC Controller. Simplifies development allowing for complete input device control through the CCT900/910. Complete software integration tools, SDK available.
Input Devices
Bill validators, Recyclers
Coin Validators
Coin Hoppers
Coin Changers
Cash Dispensers
Chip & Pin
Input Interfaces: RS232, USB, ccTalk, MDB, pulse/parallel